Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Gateway Community & Technical College

Florence, Kentucky

Across the state, the Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) delivers high-quality, cost-effective customized training and assessment services that are designed to improve the performance and efficiency of regional industries. KCTCS is Kentucky’s primary provider of workforce education, delivering programs and services that address the full spectrum of needs faced by business and industry, as well as, programs for individuals who want to upgrade their skills. 
At the Gateway CTC, the Center for Advanced Manufacturing combines three programmatic areas under one roof – manufacturing, academics, and administration. The focal point is the Center for Manufacturing Competitiveness, which advances an integrated educational model for KCTCS. Rather than providing traditional and separated tooling bays for teaching industrial programs, a plant-floor model was adopted to promote the interdisciplinary nature of the work force of tomorrow. Students work in a team environment and are taught troubleshooting techniques using both simulators and full-scale industry mock-ups in Mechatronics (a miniature assembly line), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), Robotics, and real product production.

The Academic component includes technology intensive classrooms, physics/chemistry/biology labs, multi-purpose rooms, auditoriums and a library. The Administrative component supports GCTC's educational mission with a Career Development Center, an aptitude Assessment Center, a Teacher’s Learning Center, and an Administrative Wing. Gathering places for informal student learning are incorporated throughout the building.
Some of the key sustainable architectural features of the new Center include the use of low-e insulated, fritted glass and exterior sun shades on the south façade of the building to reduce cooling demands and generous use of light wells throughout the building to bring in natural light.

2010 Merit Award for Design Excellence
AIA Kentucky